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Parent Resources

ARC Michigan

Advocate for inclusion of and participation by individuals with disabilities in their communities, promotes high quality services and provides training for parents and professionals.

The mission of The Arc Michigan is to ensure that people with Developmental Disabilities are valued in order that they and their families can participate fully in and contribute to their community.

Phone Number: 1-800-292-7851

Center for Educational Networking

Supports the statewide communication efforts of the Office of Special Education. The Center for Educational Networking (CEN) also supports the communication efforts of the other Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Grant Funded Initiatives, allowing them to concentrate on the work of serving special education and diverse learners in Michigan.


Phone Number: 1-517-908-3900

Community Mediation Services

Mediation is a process in which two or more people involved in a dispute meet in a private, confidential setting, and with the help of a neutral trained mediator, together work out a solution to their problem.

Mediation is an effective, efficient, affordable alternative to litigation for helping resolve their differences. 

Mediation offers the opportunity for parties to participate in resolving their dispute, rather than having it resolved for them. 

Mediators help the disputing parties develop and agree upon a realistic, workable solution to their problem. 

Mediators are community volunteers who receive specialized training in conflict resolution techniques and communication skills. A mediator is not a judge; they do not decide who is right or wrong in a disagreement. 

Community Mediation Services

Phone Number: 1-906-732-1576

Great Start to Quality

Great Start to Quality offers monthly trainings in every county in the U.P. and parents are welcome to attend.  Training topics cover a wide range of child development topics.  More information about trainings can be found on this website.  


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children.  This is the official U.S. Department of Education IDEA website and is full of resources and information.

MDE Fact Sheets

The Michigan Department of Education provides fact sheets that explain special education laws and practices.  

MDE Family Matters

The Michigan Department of Special Education has created a Family Matters website full of information about special education and other resources.

MDE Procedural Safeguards

The Michigan Department of Education provides a Procedural Safeguards document which is based on the federal model provided by the U.S. Department of Education.

Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE)

This document includes all Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education with related IDEA federal regulations, when appropriate.

Michigan Alliance for Families

Michigan Alliance for Families provides information, support, and education for families who have children (birth through 26 years of age) who receive (or may be eligible to receive) special education services. This website can help you with finding information on special education issues as well as disability specific information.

Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service

Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) is the independent, private, nonprofit organization designated by the governor to advocate and protect the legal rights of people with disabilities in Michigan. MPAS services include information and referral, short-term assistance, selected individual and legal representation, systemic advocacy, monitoring, and training.


Phone Number: 1-800-288-5923

Special Education Advisory Committee

Michigan’s Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandated state advisory panel to the State Board of Education and the Michigan Department of Education.

The mission of the SEAC is to support opportunities for all students in Michigan and especially those with disabilities by gathering, sharing, and disseminating information with the public; advising the State Board of Education; and working with the Office of Special Education.

Special Education Mediation Services

Working Together for Student Achievement in Michigan. Special Education Mediation Services helps students by fostering cooperation and effective teamwork among those who plan their education. 

Zero to Three

ZERO TO THREE works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early connections that are critical to their well-being and development.