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Parent Advisory Committee

The EUPISD Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a committee promoting a partnership between families and professionals in the education of students with disabilities, by providing communication, awareness and collaboration between parents, community, local school districts, and the Intermediate School District.

Mission Statement

We are a committee dedicated to promoting and ensuring a partnership between families and professionals in the education of students with disabilities.

Vision Statement

The Eastern Upper Peninsula Parent Advisory Committee is a pro-active alliance, designed to empower and educate parents, students, and professionals in a mutually beneficial partnership.

Meeting Schedule

PAC meetings are held 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District, located at 315 Armory Place, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783. All parents and caregivers of a child receiving special education services are encouraged to attend. Please call ahead to confirm the meeting date, time, and location.  A Zoom option is also available.  Please contact Ruthanne Stark ( for more information.  

PAC Membership

The Parent Advisory Committee representatives are appointed by local school districts and approved by the ISD board. Care is given in this process to assure, to the extent possible, that the PAC membership represents the various disabilities of students enrolled in programs throughout our region. We are continually looking for new members. If you would like to become a part of the Parent Advisory Committee, write to your local school district expressing your interest. Your request will be given to the school board for approval and then sent to the Intermediate School District for final approval. You will be notified when this process is complete.

PAC Member Responsibilities

PAC members are accessible to local parents for support and information. Some of the duties of the Parent Advisory Committee members are:

  • to act as liaisons between parents, local school districts, and the Eastern Upper Peninsula ISD
  • to provide support and information to parents that have a student (s) with a disability
  • to attend community functions to support awareness of students with disabilities
  • to provide feedback on the EUPISD Special Education Plan
  • to establish a communication network between the Parent Advisory Committee and all parents/guardians of students with disabilities within the Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District


Questions regarding the PAC may be directed to any committee member. Each member is willing to help you become more aware of the services available to you and your child. Contact Ruthanne Stark ( at (906)-632-3373, ext. 5173 at the Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District for current PAC member contact information.

If you need assistance writing your district a letter to be considered for the PAC, please contact Ruthanne Stark (PAC Liaison) or Heather Stelzer (PAC Chairperson)

Parent Resources - Parent Handbook