EUP Youth Mental Health Committee
EUP Youth Mental Health Committee
We are an inter-agency group of professionals from across the Eastern Upper Peninsula (EUP) who meet monthly and are devoted to improving youth mental health outcomes by increasing services, prevention education, and resiliency through community partnerships.
Our goals include resiliency, access to care, coping skills, prevent/educate, physical health, and collaboration.
Need for Mental Health Services:
The Eastern Upper Peninsula (EUP) is a Healthcare Professional Shortage Area (HPSA), including for mental health. It is also a Medically Underserved Area (HRSA Data Warehouse).
The EUP currently has zero inpatient beds and zero partial hospitalization with next day treatment for adolescents.
Schools are unable to meet recommended ratios for student to mental health professional. Student to school counselor is 250:1, student to psychologist is 500-700:1, and student to school social worker is 400:1 (National Association of School Psychologists, 2013).
Need an integrated community-wide referral system.
Poverty and lack of transportation are barriers to accessing mental health services in the EUP.
Address Gaps in Services:
Recruit and maintain excellent mental health professionals.
Develop comprehensive treatment options, including a child psychiatrist and an integrated continuum of supports.
Support inter-agency collaboration and communication to enhance the effectiveness of current resources.
Youth Risk Factors in the EUP:
(of EUP Middle and High School Students*)
37% had 2 or more ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences).
38% felt so sad or hopeless 2 weeks or more in a row that they stopped doing regular activities in the past year.
36% seriously considered suicide in the past year.
60% said their parents noticed when they were doing a good job and let them know.
29% said their neighbors noticed when they did a good job and let them know.
*Michigan Profiles for Healthy Youth Survey
Build Resilient Communities
Three core protective systems interacting:
Build individual capabilities.
Ensure opportunity for attachment and belonging with caring and competent people.
Support strong family, community, faith, and cultural processes.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Teresa Armstrong, Special Education Administrative Assistant, at or 906-632-3373 ext. 6141.