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Role and Function of Teacher Consultant for Visually Impaired

The Teacher Consultant (TC) for Visual Impairment (VI) will participate in the IEPT evaluation process, service provision, and keep records of student progress. Service delivery might be direct or indirect depending upon the student’s needs. Direct instruction in the English Language Arts area, or other core content areas might be provided. The TC will provide consultation to teachers who have low vision or blind students in their classrooms, and will collaborate with Occupational and Physical Therapists, an Orientation & Mobility Specialist, an Adaptive Physical Education teacher, and other Ancillary Staff. Special Education support can be provided in the homes with the families of Early Childhood learners. If necessary, the TC is mandated to provide services to eligible students from birth to age 26.

The TC will write an evaluation plan upon receipt of referral. He will work with parents, optometrists, low vision specialists, neurologists and ophthalmologists to obtain medical reports and determine educational and/or developmental implications of the visual impairment. The TC will review and explain the medical reports related to visual acuity, peripheral visual fields, oculomotility, light adaptation, and cause/prognosis of visual impairment. For a student who has a visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye, after routine refractive correction, the TC will conduct a learning media assessment in order to determine whether print or Braille reading medium should be pursued. He/she will facilitate the student’s MET team by providing implementation of effective classroom instructional supports and accommodations: These might include non-optical and/or optical aids such as magnification equipment. The TC will provide recommendations for preferred font-size, dominant eye, use of audio books, large print or Braille books and test protocol, special paper, expressive writing devices, and other adaptive equipment that would benefit student productivity and accomplishment of instructional objectives. The TC will provide equipment, if necessary, for accessibility for instructional materials in all content areas. He should consider appropriate activities for sensory motor development of visually impaired learners. The TC will provide adaptive instruction and remediation of academic deficiencies. When necessary, he/she will provide pre-Braille tactile development instruction, literary UEB Braille, and Nemeth Code instruction for mathematics and scientific notation. The TC will provide an appropriate CVI evaluation and instruction for students having cortical visual impairment (neurological visual impairment). For transition-age students, he will facilitate readiness of the student’s independence in activities of daily living and vocational postsecondary pursuits. The TC will follow the student’s academic progress, independence skill status, and personal/social behavioral skills to provide necessary data and educational intervention.