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User Accounts

New User Account

A District Superintendent, or their designee, can request account creation for their staff by emailing a signed request form to the designated email address.

  1. Download and complete the New Account Request form.
  2. Scan the completed form to your own email account.
  3. Attach the scanned document to a new email addressed to:

The credentials will be sent through the Help Desk ticketing system to the originator and the lead technician for the district.

Deactivate User Account

A District Superintendent, or their designee, can request account deactivation by emailing a signed request form to the designated email address.

  1. Download and complete the Disable Network Credentials form.
  2. Scan the completed form to your own email account.
  3. Attach the scanned document to a new email addressed to:

Confirmation of deactivation will be sent through the Help Desk ticketing system to the originator and the technology coordinator for the district.

Grant / Community Partner User Account

A Grant or Community Partner may receive a user account at the request of a District Superintendent, or their designee.

  1. Provide user with link to Staff Technology User and Safety policy.
  2. User completes the Staff Education Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Agreement (PDF)
  3. Superintendent, or their designee, completes EUPSchools Network Credentials Request form.
  4. Scan completed forms to own email account.
  5. Attach the scanned documents to a new email addressed to Jennifer Jahn in the EUPISD Superintendent's office.

The credentials will be sent through the Help Desk ticketing system to the originator and the lead technician for the district.