VPN Access
VPN Access To District Network
$150 per user per year ( July 1 - June 30)
District Superintendent or their appointed designee must authorize any VPN access. Appointed designee must be documented in VPN log and verified with Superintendent on annual basis.
Process for Establishing Access
- District requests VPN access by emailing euptechnology@eupschools.org with Form 7543, signed by District Superintendent, attached.
- Follow up by sending original document to EUPISD Director of Technology.
- Help Desk creates a ticket and assigns to Tier 4 support technician.
- Tier 4 support technician adds user to the appropriate Security Group and reassigns ticket to Help Desk or on-site technician.
- Help Desk or on-site technician installs VPN client for user.
Process for Enabling Periodic Vendor Access
- Vendor requests VPN access by contacting the District requesting access.
- District designee contacts Technical Services by sending an email to euptechnology@eupschools.org which contains the vendor name and contact phone number.
- Tier 4 support technician enables access for up to 72 hours, contacts vendor to acknowledge action, and completes an entry in the VPN Access Log.
Vendor access is enabled on a temporary basis only - not to exceed 72 hours per occurance.
Authorization Form
Form 7543 - Utilization of the District's Website and Remote Access to the District's Network