As a public body under the Freedom of Information Act, the District has developed procedures and guidelines to implement and assure compliance with FOIA. The District has also created a written public summary of the specific procedures and guidelines explaining how to submit written requests to the District and how to understand the District’s written responses, deposit requirements, fee calculations, and avenues for challenge and appeal. The procedures, guidelines and written public summary shall be posted on the District’s website.
The District shall ensure that free copies of the procedures and guidelines and public summary are readily available for public dissemination upon request at the District’s central office. Both documents shall also be included with every written response to a public record request. However, this requirement may be satisfied by providing the requestor with the website link to the documents in lieu of providing paper copies in the response. The documents are available on the District’s website here.
Pursuant to the procedures and guidelines, the District’s nonexempt public records, as defined under FOIA, are available for public inspection and/or copying. The rights and obligations of the District and requestors under FOIA are subject to MCL 15.231, et seq. Inspection of records by the general public shall be limited to the regular office hours of the building or office that houses the records. Copies of records that are not exempt from disclosure will be available on request.
The District receives numerous requests or inquiries that are not public record requests under FOIA. This includes information readily available on the District’s website, pamphlets, loose-leaf publications and other printed materials produced for public information and disclosure, such as the District’s FOIA Procedures and Guidelines. These day-to-day inquiries to the District for information shall be handled appropriately by District staff under rules established by the District or building administration.