Business Services
Regional districts may contract with EUPISD for their business services. The following services are available; the primary and secondary contacts are listed below. All contacts may be reached by dialing 906-632-3373.
- Dena Mayer, x5126
- Lisa Sandvik, x5106
Accounts Payable
- Cami Slater, x5163
- Dawn McKinney, x5174
- Dena Mayer, x5126
- Lisa Sandvik, x5106
- Stef Lubben, x6181
- Yvonne McConkey, x5121
Business Services
- Dena Mayer, x5126
- Lisa Sandvik, x5106
Consolidated Grant
- Breann Eckerle, x5146
- Tracy McCord, x5104
General Education Grants
- Valerie Masuga, x5125
- Tracy McCord, x5104
Grants Facilitator
- Tracy McCord, x5104
- Dena Mayer, x5126
- Tracy McCord, x5104
- Breann Eckerle, x5146
- Melissa Gillhooley, x5105
- Stef Lubben, x6181
Pupil Accounting
- Tim Eilola, x5167
- Lisa Sandvik, x5106
Special Education Finance
- Rachel Fuerer, x5103
- Lisa Sandvik, x5106
SunGard / eFinance
- Dena Mayer, x5126
- Lisa Sandvik, x5106
- Tracy McCord, x5104
- Gail Dahl, x6118
Universal Service Fund (USF)
- Melissa Gillhooley, x5105
- Dena Mayer, x5126
Our Vision
Provide regional leadership in school business and operations and effectively communicate changing laws and regulations and facilitate collaboration within and between local districts in the region.