Bus Driver Training
The Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District (EUPISD) serves as fiscal agent, data collection and coordinates all the bus driver training for the Bus Driver Training Consortium serving EUPISD, COPESD and AMAESD constituents. As fiscal agent, the EUPISD is responsible for all record keeping, report submission and financial management, in addition to the preparation of training workshops. Funds to support the consortium’s activities come from Section 74 through MDE and from a small fee charged for training activities.
Beginning School Bus Driver (BSBD)
Cost: $45.00 USD, includes lunch both days and dinner on second day
Time requirement: 18 hours, mandatory attendance both days of training
- Enrollees must complete a physical exam
- Driver's license check for points
- Complete a criminal records check
- Review the first six lessons of the School Bus Driver Training Program
- Obtain or prepare for CDL - Secretary of State's Office, with proper endorsements
Continuing Education Curriculum (CEC)
Time requirement:6 hours
Cost: $20.00 USD
Class Schedule: Saturday from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm (unless otherwise noted)
This is a state-mandated continuing education requirement. Attendance is required for all six hours in order to successfully complete this class.
The State of Michigan Pupil Transportation Public Act 187, Section 257.1851 states that every current school bus driver holding a green or yellow education card that expires on Sept. 30, 2025, must attend a six-hour school bus driver continuing education class by that expiration date.
Drivers who do not complete this continuing education requirement by September 30, 2025 will be required to complete the Beginning School Bus Driver Training course in order to remain legally eligible to drive a school bus.
Supervisor Training
New Course coming Late Spring/Summer 2024 - Transportation Supervisor CE Training - Part I & II; If you missed the Supervisor training and your card has expired, you must take another beginning bus driver class or Basic Transportation Management Course.
The Michigan Department of Education has separated Transportation Supervisor training into two three-hour segments. YOU MUST COMPLETE BOTH SEGMENTS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR A SUPERVISOR CARD. Once Supervisors have completed BOTH segments, and the proper documentation is e-mailed to our office, you will be eligible for a new Transportation Supervisor card, which will have an expiration date of 9/30/2022. New cards will be mailed (in September) to Supervisors after course requirements are completed.
Please Note: Public Act 187 states, "The person or persons in charge of school bus operations at a school shall successfully complete 6 hours of supervisory continuing education every 2 years after the successful completion of the beginning school bus driver or beginning supervisor training programs."
For more information regarding Pupil Transportation in Michigan, visit the Michigan Department of Education.
Register for Bus Driver Classes
- Online Registration Form or
- Paper Registration Form (must be faxed to 906-632-1125)
Please contact Tracy McCord if you have any questions.
Last revised: 11.2.23