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School Improvement

Michigan recently revised its school improvement mindset, process, and platform to create the new Michigan's Integrated Continuous Improvement Process, or MICIP. MICIP is based on the basic tenets of a high-quality continuous improvement process, which should include the following:

  • Core of whole child, school, community wrapped in assess needs, plan, implement, monitor, wrapped in mission, vision, beliefs
    Equitable opportunities, environments, and supports resulting in students that are healthy, safe, engaged, challenged, and supported,
  • A continuous cycle of improvement that informs the way we work on a daily basis (rather than being an annual event designed to meet compliance requirements),
  • Improvement processes that are integrated rather than isolated,
  • Continuous improvement targets that reflect non-academic areas that influence academic achievement (rather than just academics by themselves),
  • Improvement plans that consider systems necessary to support high-quality implementation of actions and high levels of student outcomes.
  • A commitment to understanding students through lenses that consider not only needs, but also assets.

If you have questions, or if you'd like assistance with any aspect of your continuous improvement process at any time, please contact Lindsay Brindley, regional school improvement facilitator.