Michigan Moonshot Webinars
This presentation will explore the necessary components of a financial model, such as the inputs and outputs, along with the ways in which modeling might be used as a tool for business planning. Various financial models examples will be provided as real-world examples. Pitfalls and best practice guidelines will also be shared.
5 million households with school-aged children in the US lack access to broadband, creating the “homework gap,” which is likely to reinforce socio-economic divides that limit opportunities for households on the margins. Access to and use of the internet has become an integral component of everyday life in the 21st century. It is imperative for communities to leverage broadband network access for education, telemedicine, public safety and workforce development to maintain the quality of life. This presentation will explore the Michigan Moonshot’s approach to crowdsourced broadband availability data. We will also discuss preliminary results from our pilot data collection efforts and the ways in which communities might leverage data collection to better inform their broadband plans.
An overview presented by the MERIT network that provides a step-by-step guide to help communities rally and find support for their efforts.
As a broadband network operator, you are a special and valuable target for attackers the world over. In addition to the threat of having your own sensitive organizational and payment information breached, your network could be the weak link that attackers focus on when assaulting your clients and members. In this presentation, learn how to harden your organization and service network from these pervasive attacks, navigate the regulations in force by governmental authorities, and act as a model Internet citizen in ensuring infected customers cause little to no damage to either your own systems or the Internet at large.
This webinar will share information about the publicly available datasets and tools from Measurement Lab (M-Lab), and how they have been used for planning, decision making, and advocacy. M-Lab is an open source, civil society led, global platform for measuring broadband Internet service. In addition to supporting a portion of the FCC’s Measuring Broadband America program since its beginnings, M-Lab’s open source tools and data have been used in similar initiatives on local and regional levels, enabling communities to gather data about broadband in their communities, including the Michigan Moonshot initiative.
In October 2019, the Benton Institute published a report by Jonathan Sallet emphasizing the connection between broadband, economic growth and individual economic opportunity. Now faced with twin health and economic crises, the need for broadband is greater than ever. Jonathan will discuss the potential impact of today’s emergencies on the long-term prospect for ensuring that everyone in American has access to high-performance broadband, on the continuing importance of state and local leadership in broadband, and on potential short-term federal action.
Local residents, business owners, and community leaders face many challenges when addressing insufficient Internet access. Not only do these individuals need to understand what solutions are available to them, they must identify and apply the solution that best fits their needs. This webinar will explore the trade-offs, capacity, and economics behind common Internet access technologies, including cable, DSL, mobile wireless, fixed wireless, satellite, and fiber optic. Attendees will leave with the confidence to engage in broadband discussions, debates, and efforts to improve broadband Internet access.
This presentation will explore some of the legal and regulatory issues posed by local broadband initiatives and public-private partnerships.
The FCC is responsible for managing and licensing the electromagnetic spectrum for commercial and non-commercial users. When this project was first known as the Education Broadcast Service spectrum, the 2.5GHz plan was underutilized, resulting in a recall and subsequent auctioning to the highest bidder. Sustained efforts from members of Indian Country and its Inter-Tribal organizations, peers, friends and advocacy groups resulted in the creation of the “Tribal Priority.” For the first time in history, Tribal Nations have an exclusive opportunity to secure unassigned eligible mid-band 2.5GHz spectrum over rural tribal lands to provide advanced broadband wireless services, including 5G. With the August 3rd deadline approaching, interested parties have limited time to take action. Our presenters will provide insight into the application process as well as free resources available to communities for application support.